Thursday, April 9, 2009

I'm in the Lord's Army, Yes Sir!

One of my fellow coworkers decided to bust out in a peppy rendition of "The Lord's Army" during our morning meeting today. To be fair, our development team is notorious for venturing off on rabbit trails (and pulling pranks among other things), and the topic of Sunday School was mentioned.

While 98% of the team was wondering what the #$%@ was going on, I immediately was taken back to not only my Sunday School days, but also to the glorious days of Vacation Bible School where making pointless crafts out of Popsicle sticks, eating loads of creme filled cookies, learning annoying songs that referenced Biblical stories and studying memory verses was all that I looked forward to all summer.

Those were definitely some good times. The only problem now is that I can't seem to shake the feeling that I am not in fact a chubby little 7 year old girl with a bubble/helmet/mullet-esque haircut wearing stretch pants and an oversized BUM t-shirt with the urge to blurt out John 3:16 whenever someone says my name, but I am a 25 year old woman with responsibilities to a job where I'm technically not allowed to say "Merry Christmas" to people (run-on sentence much?).

It's kind of scary fun to reminisce about those times and recognize how much influence they had over my life, as silly as they might seem now. But I'm still in the Lord's army.


Anonymous said...

That video just made my night!
Yes SIR!
(Yeah, this is Miranda.)

Megan Dorris said...

Now all I need to find is a video for "The Lord told Noah to build him an arky, arky..."