Monday, April 6, 2009

Chew On This

So there I was, driving along and needing a little breath-freshening. What do to but pop a refreshing piece of Orbit peppermint gum to quell the unpleasant aftertaste of a decaf, skinny vanilla latte. I proceeded to put the piece of "peppermint" gum into my mouth only to discover after about two chomps that it was not in fact peppermint; it was actually bubblemint! WTP? I was crushed, CRUSHED I tell you! One of the worst sensations in the world has to be when you're expecting one thing and you take a swig, bite or gander and it shockingly turns out to be something completely different. I'm sure that some correlation can be made to a valuable life lesson here, but I'm looking into the more superficial meaning. Surely there has to be a way I can sue and make billions. Anyone willing to take my case?


Kacey Nielsen said...

I'll take your case! Never been to law school but I have watch a lot of law and order and eli stone so I think I'm ready. We'll be millionaires!

Megan Dorris said...

I knew I could trust an Earl with my legal matters! Thanks for the support.