Monday, May 12, 2008

Please Open Your Flippin Eyes

Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I must vent about this. Firstly, I will admit that I do not always see what I'm obviously looking for. But I feel that society in general is always looking for an easy answer and in doing so they lazily overlook things that are right in flippin front of them.
Perfect example: not even five minutes ago a lady walked right up to my office, looked at my name tag on my door and asked, "Are you Sheila?" Seriously? I was left fumbling for words for a good 15 seconds. I almost spurted out a big fat, "Are you serious?!?!" but thought it would be best if I replied with a different answer.
I will now be blasting Snow Patrol's most recent album, hoping that all will hear the catchy little ditty "Open Your Eyes" and it will be stuck in the heads of anyone that dares to enter the building for all eternity.

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