Monday, May 12, 2008

All Work and No Play Makes Megan an Entertained Girl

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Let me just tell you how wonderful my job is. More specifically, I'd like to talk about what goes down in the area of town where my office is located. Drug busts, hookers, hits and runs, wreckless truck drivers, crazies runnin around willie-nillie; that pretty much sums it all up.Last week we had a semitruck actually run into our building. It cracked the concrete stairs leading to the front door and almost took out the hand railing. Yesterday Teague and I were intrigued by what looked like a couple of guys messing up loads of new copper wire that was most likely ripped off so they could go and re-sell it. And just a few seconds ago I looked out my window and saw one of our workers narrowly escape getting hit by a jackass driving 9089043 miles an hour down our street.But you know, I honestly wouldn't trade the whacked out view from my office for anything, because as illegal and creepy as things might be around here, it keeps me extremely entertained.

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