Monday, May 12, 2008

Best Twin Question. Ever.

Monday, April 07, 2008
So I thought I’ve heard them all in my 24 years of being a twin:
"Can you read each other’s minds?" No, wanna guess what I’m thinking about?"If I punch you, will she feel it?" If I punch YOU will you feel it?"Do you have the same birthday?" (usually followed by) "Who’s older?"You get the idea.Anyhoo, a cute, little girl came up to me and the girl that looks like me at church on Sunday and proposed the funniest twin question that I have ever been asked:"Were you two born that way?"
Naturally my first instict was to decipher the phrase as a diss, and Kasey and I exchanged a confused yet humorous glance at each other before realizing what the wee las was getting at. Never have I ever or would I have ever expected anyone to ask such a thing. That’s what makes the whole thing so brilliant. Fortunately for me my smart aleck of a friend who happened to overhear the brilliant question took the opportunity to give a nice, confusing answer about complicated surgical procedures and magic voodoo spells as a means to satisfy the girl’s inquiry. But it ultimately confused the poor little thing and she walked off to timidly, glancing ocassionally back at Kase and me.Let this be a lesson to you all. If you’re going to risk ticking me off by asking a twin question, try to put some creativity behind it and I might not smack you upside the head.

1 comment:

Tiffanie Paige said...

i am so glad that you finally started a blog!